Endometriosis Excision
Why would you remove your ovaries?
Endometriosis Excision is a procedure that removes Endometriotic lesions that could be located in the pelvis or outside the pelvis, depending on your case. Removing all endometriotic lesions is essential to relieving the pain caused by this disease.
This procedure is minimally invasive through Laparoscopy or Robotic Surgery, and allows for managing pain and infertility associated with Endometriosis. It is the gold standard to manage this condition.
Endometriosis excision requires advanced surgical skills and well trained surgeons, especially in cases of deeply infiltrating endometriosis, where the surgical anatomy is challenging for inexperienced surgeons.
Endometriosis Excision, through only a few small skin incisions, using a thin camera that is inserted into the pelvic area, allows the endometriotic lesions to be cut out and removed.
Endometriosis treatment requires a comprehensive management plan set up with your doctor. Excision followed by appropriate management could help reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease.

- Pain that should resolve daily
- Pain around site of incisions
- Chest and shoulder pain
- Vaginal spotting
- Nausea caused by anesthesia or pain medication
- Swelling of arms and legs due to fluid retention
- Swelling of the abdomen due to irritation of intestines
- Constipation
- Diarrhea caused by antibiotics
- Urinary retention
- Bruises or scars around the incision areas